Guide to College and Career Academies
The Guide to College and Career Academies is a resource that helps 8th grade DCPS students understand what CTE programs are available in our DCPS high schools for hands-on career exposure and college preparation. The personalized guides share information about the NAF College and Career Academies available at each student’s in-boundary schools, as well as the CTE programs and Academies at DCPS high schools across the District.
DCPS College and Career Academies offer real-world experiences and opportunities that engage our students – and, they help students reach their educational and career goals. Students who enroll in these Academies are more likely to attend and graduate high school, more likely to attend college, and have more immediate opportunities to enter a career pathway with many job opportunities that fit their interests.
Eighth grade students will receive their personalized Guide to College and Career Academies in the mail, and via Aspen, each fall. The Guides will also be available to middle school staff members each fall.
Resources for Students and Families:
- See a sample Guide to College and Career Academies
- Learn more about DCPS’ NAF College and Career Academies
- Read frequently asked questions and answers about the Guide to College and Career Academies: English | Spanish | Amharic
- Take a Career Cluster Survey in Naviance that will help you understand what career pathways might match your interests. Learn how to sign in to Naviance via Clever.
- Find information about how to login to the Aspen Parent Portal and where to find your student’s Guide to College and Career Academies in the portal: English | Spanish | Amharic
- Take a Career Cluster Survey in Naviance that will help you understand what career pathways might match your interests. Learn how to sign into Naviance via Clever.
- Find information about how to login to the Aspen Parent Portal and where to find your student’s Guide to College and Career Academies in the portal: English | Spanish | Amharic
Resources for Counselors and Schools:
- See a sample Guide to College and Career Academies
- Access a communication toolkit to support you in sharing information about the Guide to College and Career Academies: English | Spanish | Amharic
- Download a PowerPoint presentation with information about the Guide to College and Career Academies: English | Spanish | Amharic
- Find a lesson plan to help students understand their Guide to College and Career Academies and explore high school options in DCPS!